Tuesday, April 11, 2006

More Arrests

In my local area the gossip amongst the Police is that the Chief Constable is demanding that more arrests be made. As I was at my local Police Station today I was standing with a Client who had been arrested for a £100,000 fraud. I saw that an Officer came and spoke with the Detective Sergeant dealing with my Client and then they parted company. The Detective Sergeant then came over to me and said that his Detective Inspector had asked what type of case he wasdealingg with, he had told her that it was a high value fraud, and that her response was that the fraud case was only going to result in one statistical detection! It seems that despite the fact that a high value fraud case could be prosecuted the higher ranks of my local Police force are not happy unless they can get multiple detections from single offenders.


Anonymous said...

Sadly Gavin it’s quantative rather than qualitative bean counting that prevails in today’s police, where everything must be capable of being measured and where lies, damn lies and statistics have sway. You may not be aware but officers now have minimum quotas set, so many arrests per week/traffic tickets etc. It’s measurable ‘innit’. Bye bye discretion, it’s all absolutes these days. Add to that ‘Five Year Plans’ and the discredited management mind-sets of a decade ago and you get some idea of what it’s like to work in this environment.

By the way, is that your car outside………………

Bystander said...

You probably know that the Governmant target is OBtJs - Offences Brought To Justice. That's pure box-ticking as the number is all that counts.

Anonymous said...

Gavin, I can't believe you're even surprised by this!!

How would el presidente Blair look if he failed to announce that the number of prosecutions/arrests were rising??

I wonder whether the infectious disease (TB) deliberately keeps boarder controls light so that the Government can continue to announce increases in arrests (immigration offences are technically criminal offences after all!!) I doubt it, but I wouldn't put it past this Government.