Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Busy Day Tomorrow

I have a choc-a-bloc diary for tomorrow. I have a bad character application to oppose in a Youth Court at 10.00 am. I then need to get to a Magistrates Court that is very close (10 minutes by bus) for a sentence and a pre-trial review. Once I have finished in the morning I have two appointments in the afternoon for video identification parades at the Police Station.

Why have a I got a choc-a-bloc diary? Basically because work often goes in peaks and troughs and I am encountering a peak where I cannot get others to cover my work because they are busy themselves. Hopefully my appointments will be made easier by the fact that I have met every single Client so have a good memory of their case and the issues involved in their case. The 'personal' touch should keep everyone happy as well.

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